Quick Prayer

Please pray aloud:

Heavenly Father, it’s a harsh prayer to pray, but I ask you would let the reality of heaven and hell motivate my church to live out your mission this day.

In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Full Prayer

Please pray aloud:

Heavenly Father, it’s a harsh prayer to pray, but I ask you would let the reality of heaven and hell motivate my church to live out your mission this day.

So many in this generation has been lulled to believe there is no hell, or have been deceived that a loving God would never send anyone to hell. If the members of my church believe the lie that everyone is saved, what reason do we have to tell people about Jesus? Worse still, how many lives will be lost? So much is at stake and the hour is perilous, God!

The One who taught the uncompromising reality of hell is the same One who gave his life to do something about it.
—Pray for Your Church

Your Son was clear in his numerous teachings of the reality of eternity and heaven and hell. He taught there will be an separation of sheep and the goats, of good fish and bad, of wheat from weeds. He taught the door will be shut, and there will be those who feast with you forever and those who gnash their teeth outside. He taught the way to destruction is wide, and many will find it, but the way to eternal life is narrow, and few will find it.

Even more, your Son taught the only thing that separates those united and those separated from you is faith in him. That no one comes to you, Father, except through him. That only those wearing your Son’s robes of righteousness may dine at your wedding feast.

But Lord, the One who taught these uncompromising truths is the same One who gave his life to do something about it.

So rather than denying you or denying this teaching, I pray that the people in my church receive these teachings and are motivated to lay down their lives for your mission to seek and save the lost. To make the dead live. To give faith to the faithless. To rescue. To free. To save!

In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”
John 14:6

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