I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Psalm 27:13
Quick Prayer
Please pray aloud:
God of every good and perfect gift, I come to you now praying for the people in my church who doubt your goodness. Whether they doubt because of personal hardship, or suffering they see in the world, or because of their sin, protect their hearts from doubt, Lord. Make your Word true among them and open their eyes to see your goodness while they dwell in the land of the living!
In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Full Prayer
Please pray aloud:
God of every good and perfect gift, I come to you now praying for the people in my church who doubt your goodness.
Lord, when life is easy, it’s easy to believe that you are good. But when life is hard, it’s easy to doubt your goodness. So I pray for the people in my church who are going through any hardship right now, whether sickness, grief, unemployment, or depression. Don’t let their struggles harden their hearts to your goodness, Lord.
Other people in the church may question your goodness because of the suffering they see in the world. They’ve examined a fallen world and used it to draw conclusions about you. Don’t let their logic harden their hearts to your goodness, Lord.
Convince those unconvinced of your goodness, Lord!
—Pray for Your Church
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Others still will question your goodness because of their own sin and lawlessness, Lord. They’ve reasoned in their minds that their sin is too great, their past too stained, they’ve concluded you would rather show them your anger than your grace or mercy. Don’t let sin harden their hearts to your goodness, Lord.
Convince those unconvinced of your goodness, Lord!
Let them see your fingerprints on every good and perfect gift in their life, from the laughing baby to the smell of an autumn morning. Use these simple gifts to draw their hearts to the goodness of a cross in their behalf, Lord. Make your Word true among them—open their eyes to see your goodness while they dwell in the land of the living!
In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Some of the Scripture used in today’s prayer: Psalm 34:8, James 1:17, Psalm 27:13
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