For the Father loves the Son…
John 5:20

Quick Prayer

Please pray aloud:

Lord, I come to you now interceding for the youngest kids in my church. Help us to do what we need to do, and to set aside our own preferences, so each of our children to call this church their own.

Specifically, Lord, I pray for… [Name the children in your church on your mind.]

Give our kids great faith, Lord, to follow you all the days of their lives and bear much fruit for your glory.

In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Full Prayer

Please pray aloud:

Lord, I come to you now interceding for the youngest kids in my church.

Father in heaven, just as your Son knows you love him and are well-pleased with him, help the kids in our church to also know you love them. Show their tiny hearts that you see them, you are with them, and that you have great plans for their life.

Specifically, Lord, I pray for… [Name the children in your church on your mind.]

Your Son made it clear that the kingdom of heaven even belongs to our kids—from the womb to college. Make us mindful of this as we plan the activities of our church. To not push them off to the side, out-of-sight and out-of-mind. To not treat them as less. Help us to see them as the crown your Word calls them, and to hear their laughter as a sign of life. Help us to do what we need to do, and to set aside our own preferences, so each of our children will call this church their own.

…use our kids to give the people in my church the simple childlike faith your Son commended.
—Pray for Your Church

Protect our little ones from the temptations and deceitfulness of the evil one, Lord, and lead them not into temptation as they grow older. Give them discernment, even at a young age, to reject the wrong and choose the right. According to your Word, may they grow in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man. Give them great faith, Lord, to follow you all the days of their lives and bear much fruit for your glory.

Finally, God, use our kids to give the people in my church the simple childlike faith your Son commended.

In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Some of the Scripture used in today’s prayer:
John 5:20, Jeremiah 31:3, Psalm 139:7-12, Jeremiah 29:11,  Zechariah 8:5, Proverbs 17:6, Matthew 6:13, John 15:8, Isaiah 7:15-16, Luke 2:52, Matthew 18:2-4

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