Stretch out your hand to heal and perform signs and wonders
through the name of your holy servant Jesus.
Acts 4:30

Quick Prayer

Please pray aloud:

Almighty God, because your Word says you are the God who heals all our diseases, I come to you now asking for you to heal the sick and the suffering in my church. Will you please heal any who are sick in body or mind in my church? For those who suffer with chronic or acute physical ailments, remove it from them completely, Lord. For any who suffer from failing health, let them be rejuvenated.

In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Full Prayer

Please pray aloud:

Almighty God, because your Word says you are the God who heals all our diseases, I come to you now asking for you to heal the sick and the suffering in my church.

When I doubt your power to heal, or when I temper my boldness to ask, forgive me, Lord. You have told me to freely ask you for all things, and that you can do all things, and yet I both hesitate to pray and I temper my requests. Forgive me, Lord.

The reasons or the timing of your plan is not mine to know. The ask is mine, the answer is yours. So I simply come to you now in faith and ask for your healing. I join with the cry of the early Church and asking you to stretch out your hand to heal and perform signs and wonders through the name of your holy servant Jesus.

The ask is mine, the answer is yours.
—Pray for Your Church

Will you please heal any who are sick in body or mind in my church? For those who suffer with chronic or acute physical ailments, remove it from them completely, Lord. For any who suffer from failing health, let them be rejuvenated. You spoke healing to the lepers with a word, speak a word again and remove the inflictions from among us. Startle the doctors by what you have done, God, for the glory of your name. O Lord, be gracious to us and heal!

I pray, specifically for… Name the sick or suffering in your church who are on your heart today.

Demonstrate once again that your kingdom has come near and heal all our afflictions, God. Let the wounds of your Son bring our health and healing. And may my prayer offered in faith make the sick person well.

And in all things, God, may this suffering turn our eyes to the complete healing that awaits us in heaven because of the saving work of your Son.

In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Some of the Scripture referenced in today’s prayer:
Acts 4:30, James 5:14-16, 1 Peter 2:24, Isaiah 53:5, Psalm 103:2-3, Luke 10:9

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