Blessed are those servants, whom the Lord will find watching when he comes.
Luke 12:37 (EHV)

Quick Prayer

Please pray aloud:

Lord, make my church watchful for your coming! Until we make the most of the time we have left by doing justice, by reconciling with our enemies, by spreading the good news of salvation to those yet to be saved. That we may all be ready for your appearing.

In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Full Prayer

Please pray aloud:

Lord, make my church watchful for your coming!

I confess we have grown weary looking for your Son’s return. Your servants have waited long, Master, and our eyes have grown heavy. In our waiting, we’ve doubted your promise and lost the focus and perspective your return imposes upon us. Forgive us, patient Father.

Like a budding tree tells us summer is near, open our eyes to see the signs of your return. You are not slow in keeping your promise to return, as some would count slowness, rather you have waited to come that as many as possible to be saved. It is not for us or the angels to know the hour of your coming, you have only called us to watch and believe that the end of all things is near. I join my voice with saints from centuries gone by and cry, “Maranatha! Come, Lord Jesus!”

Maranatha! Come, Lord Jesus!
—Pray for Your Church

So fill our hearts with faith as we look for the coming of your great and glorious day. Invigorate us, O Coming King! Awaken us from weariness. Rouse us from distraction. Make us sober. Make us prayerful. Until we make the most of the time we have left by doing justice, by reconciling with our enemies, by spreading the good news of salvation to those yet to be saved. That we may all be ready for your appearing.

In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Some of the Scripture referenced in today’s prayer:
Luke 21:29–31, Matthew 24:36, Matthew 25:13, Acts 1:11, Revelation 22:20, 2 Peter 3:9, 1 Peter 4:7,

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