Full Prayer
This is Part IV, the final portion, of a set of prayers using Solomon’s prayer at the dedication of his temple in 1 Kings 8 as an outline to pray for your church.
Please pray aloud:
I praise you Lord, for you have given rest to your people through the forgiveness Christ purchased for us on the cross, just as you promised. Not one word has failed of all the good promises you gave.
O Lord our God, abide with my church, just as you were with our ancestors; may you never leave us nor forsake us. Turn our hearts to you, to walk in obedience to you and keep the commands, decrees and laws you gave our ancestors. And may these words of Solomon’s prayer which I have prayed be near to you, O God, day and night, that you may uphold the cause of my church according to each day’s need, so that all the peoples of the earth may know that you are God and there is no other.
In response, may our hearts be fully committed to you, Lord God, to live by your decrees and obey your commands, just as we are now.
In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Then Solomon stood before the altar of the Lord. And in front of all the people of Israel he lifted his hands toward heaven.
1 Kings 8:22 NLT