Quick Prayer

Please pray aloud:

Heavenly Father, move in our hearts until we share your agony for the lost, Lord. Would you show each person in my church the individual you are calling them to reach this day?

In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Full Prayer

Please pray aloud:

Heavenly Father, you were so burdened by the thought of a perishing world that you gave your Son to rescue us. Move in our hearts until we share your agony for the lost, Lord. Give us a consuming passion for your mission.

Would you show each person in my church the individual you are calling them to reach this day?

Bring to mind the names and faces you love and long to save. As you do, prepare their hearts to be ready to hear. Open a doorway for us to share the gospel or invite them to church, and give us a boldness to step through that doorway. In the same way, make us compelling—give us the words to say and the actions to make that they might receive faith and be saved!

Move in our hearts until we share your agony for the lost, Lord.
—Pray for Your Church

As we labor in the fields, Lord, give us the resilience of a faithful worker. Give us the focus of a widow sweeping for a coin. Give us the strength of a shepherd searching for a lost sheep. Here we are, Lord, send us! Make us your ambassadors to plead with a dying world to be reconciled to you.

Until your house is full and every seat at your banquet is filled.

In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Suppose a woman has ten silver coins and loses one. Doesn’t she light a lamp, sweep the house and search carefully until she finds it?
Luke 15:8

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