How can it be, Lord, that our response to your abundance is stinginess with our finances? Stir in us by your Holy Spirit to the same abundance you have shown to us.
In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Full Prayer
Please pray aloud:
Lord, we are so blessed.
You have given every person in my church a good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over. From homes filled with goods, to a body filled with strength, to calendars filled with loved ones, you give and you give and you give. All of this, after giving us your beloved Son to die in our place.
How can it be, Lord, that our response to your abundance is stinginess with our finances?
Yet I and so many in our church give so little of our finances back to you. Forgive us, God. Perhaps we doubt your provision. Or perhaps we are more concerned with pleasure. Perhaps we took on too many debtors. Whatever the reasons for our greed, God, forgive us. We have, as your Son warned, let the deceitfulness of wealth choke out our faith.
Move my church to grow in giving, God.
—Pray for Your Church
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Your Spirit gives us power where we are weak, and wisdom where we are confused. Can he not come and make us generous where we are greedy? Move my church to grow in giving, God. Stir in us by your Holy Spirit to the same abundance you have shown to us.
Let the giving this week eclipse the previous week. Let the giving this year, eclipse previous years. Like the harvest your Son taught about—bearing thirtyfold, sixtyfold or a hundredfold. That your kingdom may prosper among us.
If any of us are not tithing, move us to give a tenth of all our increase. If any of us are tithing, move us to giving above and beyond the tithe. Let us know the joy of giving, Lord. Move us to give until we know your promise that it is more blessed to give than receive!
In Jesus’ name. Amen.
You should remember the words of the Lord Jesus: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’
Acts 20:35