Quick Prayer

Please pray aloud:

Sovereign Lord, I come to you today praying for the staff and volunteers of my church who serve in a support role. Give them a special level of attentiveness this day and let them feel your pleasure for their service. Help me and others at the church to recognize these essential workers, Lord.

In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Full Prayer

Please pray aloud:

Sovereign Lord, I come to you today praying for the staff and volunteers of my church who serve in a support role.

In your Word, you commanded your people to set apart those who would care the tabernacle, the temple, and the city gates. Later, the Apostle’s set aside deacons to handle the details for meals in Jerusalem. The work of your kingdom has always required servants to serve in support roles, and my church is no different.

You who see the unseen, let those who serve in the background know you see their service.
—Pray for Your Church

Lord, I intercede for any staff and volunteers of my church who serve behind the scenes. Those who fold bulletins, write emails, organize spreadsheets, answer phones, count offerings, handle insurance policies, schedule meetings, and a thousand other minute tasks. You who see the unseen, let those who serve in the background know you see their service.

Give the support staff and volunteers a special level of attentiveness this day. Help them notice the finer details of their tasks. Help them catch any mistakes, miscounts, or missed details. Let their work be done with precision and excellence.

In the same way, give them a deep sense of your pleasure for their service. Speak the words “well done, good and faithful servant” to their spirit. Fill them with a sincere joy in doing even the most menial task. Give them a sense of calling and purpose. As they focus on the details, raise their thoughts to the bigger picture for this church and your kingdom.

Help me and others at the church to also recognize these essential workers, Lord. Whether it’s a note or a gift or a kind word, move in us to appreciate them for their service. As your Word says, help us to give greater honor to the parts of your body that lack it, so that there should be no division.

In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Also, 220 temple servants, who had been appointed by David and the leaders for the work of the Levites, were all identified by name.
Ezra 8:20

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