Gracious Lord, I come to you today interceding for the worship team at my church. Keep our worship leaders’ lives and hearts pure, that they sing and worship with integrity. Fill them with a heart of worship as they lead us this weekend, that we may be quickly ushered into your presence.
In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Full Prayer
Please pray aloud:
Gracious Lord, I come to you today interceding for the worship team at my church.
In your Word, the singers went before the army, singing your praises before the battle. Equip our singers with this same fortitude as they lead, that the entire church this Sunday may follow them to bring you praise.
Keep our worship leaders’ lives and hearts pure, God, that they may sing and worship with integrity. Give them humble hearts of confession where they have erred. And let the sincerity of their worship inspire our church to do the same. Keep them also from pride or vanity, redirecting any attention they receive to you.
…fill our worship team with a heart of worship as they lead us this Sunday.
—Pray for Your Church
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Give our musicians and singers a sense of calling as they prepare for the weekend. Fill them with creativity to know when expression will inspire the church, and the discernment to know when restraint will do the same.
Most of all, fill our worship team with a heart of worship as they lead us this weekend. A sense of holy awe. Of gratitude for what you’ve done. Of expectancy for what you will do. That the entire church may be quickly ushered into your presence.
In Jesus’ name. Amen.
My heart is stirred by a noble theme as I recite my verses for the king.
Psalm 45:1