Heavenly Father, come by your Spirit and move in the hearts of our church until we hunger deeply for your Word. Help each one of us to personally and daily treasure it, abide in it, and live according to it.
In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Full Prayer
Please pray aloud:
Heavenly Father, your Word is eternal, it is living, it is powerful. By your word, the heavens and earth were made. By your word, the blind were given sight. By your word, sins were forgiven. And each day, the priceless treasure of your Word is available to us in the pages of Scripture.
And yet, God, we have not treasured your Word as we ought. We have been distracted from your Word, we have distorted your Word to fit our own desires, we have even doubted your Word, God. Forgive us for this, O Lord.
Lord, move in the hearts of our church until we hunger deeply for your Word.
—Pray for Your Church
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Lord, move in the hearts of our church until we hunger deeply for your Word.
Move us to set aside time with you in your Word each morning. Help us to create the habit of time in your Word. May your Word dwell in us richly, may we hide it deeply in our hearts, may we abide in it daily, that it may strengthen our faith, guide our every step, and have full authority in our lives.
In Jesus’ name. Amen.
…man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord.
Deuteronomy 8:3b