Lord, you created us for community—community with you and community with your people.
But sin separated us from you and separated us from one another. And now, through the gracious work of Christ Jesus, you invite us back into that same blessed community.
God, the Small Group ministry of my church is designed to be a place where people can discover that community, that depth of relationship that you desire for us. So Lord, I invite you to come into our congregation by your Holy Spirit and stir in our hearts to join a Small Group!
Holy Spirit, we invite you to reveal our excuses that keep us from joining a Small Group for the sinful pride that it is. Whether it’s excuses for being too busy, or being too private, or not knowing enough. Convict us, O God.
Holy Spirit, we invite you to move us with a desire to be known by others in a Small Group. Compel us to know others and be known by others. Inspire us that we experience you in a Small Group in a way we cannot experience anywhere else.
Lord, I invite you to come into our congregation by your Holy Spirit and stir in our hearts to join a Small Group.
— Pray for Your Church Share on: Twitter
Keep pressing on us by your Holy Spirit until we relent and join a group, O God. Keep pressing on us until our Small Groups to overflowing. Let the rooms where we gather be full of people enjoying your love, the grace of Jesus, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit. We ask for the good problem of needing to find new hosts and new homes because of all of the people joining Small Groups. Make your people ambassadors, speaking with zeal to any and all who will hear about the life change and spiritual growth that happens when we gather in intentional community of your church.
Build your church, your gathering, O God. Not for us and for our glory, but for you and your glory.
In Jesus’ name. Amen.
24 And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, 25 not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.
Hebrews 10:24-25