Heavenly Father, as our good and perfect parent, you want and do what’s best for your children. Would you raise up in the parents of my church a heart to do the same?
In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Full Prayer
Please pray aloud:
Heavenly Father, as our good and perfect parent, you want and do what’s best for your children. Would you raise up in the parents of my church a heart to do the same? Few things, if any, are more foundational and integral to the health of our church than the health of our families!
In your Word you model what it is you want for parents. You lead us, you provide for us, you protect us, you teach us, you encourage us, you correct us, and you forgive us. And then you command parents to do the same for their children.
I think of the specific parents and children in my church, Lord. Namely… [take a few moments to name the children and parents in your church that are on your heart.]
If we are honest, good Father, every parent in our church has fallen short of the standard you set for us. So, for these specific parents and children in my church, I intercede with them and for them and ask—
Where we have failed to LEAD our home, forgive us. Help us to choose the good and godly things for our family before all other pursuits or pastimes. To place the needs of others ahead of our own. To love you with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength.
Where we have failed to PROVIDE for our children’s needs, forgive us. Help us to earn and keep our finances to provide for the needs of our children.
Where we have have failed to PROTECT our children from the dangers of sin and the world, forgive us. Move us to be vigilant to guard them from the slow compromises that gives the Evil One a foothold in their lives. Surround our homes with your holy angels, that the Enemy may have no power or presence in their lives.
May the faith of our children be stronger than our own.
—Pray for Your Church
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Where we have failed to ENCOURAGE our children to try new things, forgive us. Whether we were over–protective or too lazy or too busy, give us a renewed vigor to help them discover who you made them to be.
Where we have failed to TEACH our children about you, forgive us. It may be that we let other things take a priority, it may be that we were afraid to have spiritual conversations, or it may be that we didn’t practice what we preached; whatever we failed to do, pardon our sin and help us to do as your Word pleads— to train up a child in the way they should go, to talk about your kingdom with them with every chance, to let them taste the richness of your Word, that they may fall in love with you and follow you all the days of their lives.
Finally, God, where we have failed to FORGIVE our children, forgive us. Move us with your heart of compassion. Where our children have sinned by what they’ve done or what they’ve failed to do, help us show them the very same mercy and grace you showed to us in Christ.
May the faith of our children be stronger than our own. May they grow up to be bold leaders in this church. May our children’s grandchildren be heirs in your kingdom, Lord!
In Jesus’ name. Amen.
And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.
Deuteronomy 6:6-7