Please pray aloud:

Heavenly Father, I pray you would come by your Holy Spirit and move in the hearts of the people of my church and make us content!

O God, our culture is so built on consumerism, and we are so conformed to the pattern of this world, how can we ever think differently unless you come by your Spirit and transform us? Remove from us a greed for more, and the covetousness that comes with materialism. Teach us to give until the desire for more loosens its grip on our heart.

Give us a deep and unwavering satisfaction in Jesus, until we may know true contentment.
—Pray for Your Church

Teach us the secret wisdom of being content in our circumstances. As your Word says, whether in need or in plenty, well fed or hungry, in abundance or in want. Give us a deep and unwavering satisfaction in Jesus, until we know true contentment.

Help me, specifically, to build relationships with…

11 I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances…13 I can do all this through him who gives me strength.
Philippians 4:11b, 13

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